Alfredo’s Box
Durante il concerto degli Alfredo’s Box, eleganti e ricercate sonorità trasportano l’ascoltatore in un viaggio emozionale attraverso i più grandi successi degli ultimi cento anni abbinati a brani originali.
Musica classica, elementi fantasy ed armonie intricate collidono, aprendo una finestra su un mondo in cui definire i generi diventa un esercizio stilistico di poca importanza.Il gruppo, che è stato fondato all’interno del programma didattico dell’associazione musicale Alfredo casella di Novi Ligure, canta insieme da 4 anni e l’uscita del primo album è prevista per il 2017.
Gli arrangiamenti e la direzione artistica sono a cura di Erik Bosio.
Erik Bosio
I grew up in a family of musicians. My dad is a classical composer and an orchestra conductor, while mom is a classical singer and singing teacher. Music was always very normal part of my life; it was not separated from the “normal things”. When I was 4 or 5, I would play with my friends and play on the piano with equal happiness, without that “fear of the piano lesson” that many children experience from their first approach to music, and for that I’m very grateful.
I began studying classical piano at the age of 6 (and there the fear began a little!), and I wrote my first little arrangement when I was 10. At that point, I knew nothing about the technical names, harmony rules and stuff like that, but I used to give names to the chords and progressions that I would find. I remember Gsus being the chord to hit on girls with…Yeah, I know.
I then continued writing whatever I could come up with, and eventually ended up initially studying classical composition at the conservatory of Genoa, followed by jazz arranging.
- 03 Ott 2016
- Scaduto
- 21:30
- Gavazzana

- Cantine di Casa Sterpi Via Cesare Battisti, 15063 Gavazzana AL

Gavazzana Blues
348 814 2838 -
gavazzanablues@gmail.com -
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